There are many great reasons to invest in Mauritius as a foreigner. And the government has taken proactive steps to create the correct avenues in order to both attract foreign investment and ensure the investor funds are in a safe and stable economic climate.
Although sometimes confusing on the surface, there are 3 key avenues/structures in which foreigners can purchase property in Mauritius:
1. Approved PDS scheme (comprising IRS, RES, PDS real estate developments)
2. Smart City scheme (mixed-use areas also allowing for direct land purchase)
3. G+2 (apartment building three stories or higher with a minimum threshold of Rs 6 million)
Approved PDS scheme
This is the oldest structure originally introduced by the Mauritian government in 2001 under the IRS scheme (integrated resorts scheme) and RES scheme (residential estate scheme) in 2007. Finally being replaced with the PDS scheme (property development scheme) in 2015. Each option is aimed at widening the investment track and simplifying the process for foreign investors. Each of these aspects is similar in nature in that it allows foreign buyers to purchase designated real estate within Mauritius. These schemes were originally introduced in order to foster economic growth and foreign investment while protecting the local population and citizens of Mauritius from being priced out of externally-inflated household prices by foreign investors.
The attractive nature of these developments is that it comes with investment-for-residency for units purchased over the value of USD 350,000 to the buyer and his/her family. There are currently over 160 approved real estate schemes in Mauritius which can be viewed from the Economic Development Board of Mauritius website.
Smart city scheme
Introduced in 2015 with the aim to revolve around the work, life and play concept; smart cities incorporate mixed-use developments with the newest advancements in urban planning. There are currently 11 certified smart city holders earmarked and/or currently under construction on the island.
A unique aspect is there is no minimum investment value required, and foreigners are eligible to purchase land parcels and offices within the smart city scheme.
G+2 Buildings
Probably the least well known, but in 2016 the non-citizens' act was amended to allow foreigners to purchase apartment units in buildings that are at least 2 levels above ground (ground floor plus an additional 2 floors). A G+2 apartment is defined as a residential unit being part of a condominium building and can be acquired either off-plan, during construction or post-construction through resale.
There is also a minimum investment required of Rs 6 million (ZAR 2.2 million / USD 148,000) and an application for approval from the Economic Development Board.