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Immerse yourself in the pinnacle of lavish living at our exclusive resort, boasting 46 prestigious villas, each with a private pool and surrounded by meticulously landscaped gardens. Indulge in opulence with top-notch amenities including a refined clubhouse, dedicated concierge service, and all the comforts of a five-star hotel. Whether delighting in culinary wonders at our exquisite restaurant, unwinding in the lounge bar, refreshing in the superb 25m swimming pool, or staying active in our cutting-edge fitness club, every moment is a testament to luxury. Our fully connected business center caters to corporate travelers, nestled at the gates of the vibrant Tamarin, a former fishing village turned sought-after seaside resort. Enjoy the perks of the 'Smart and Happy Village' lifestyle with renowned surf spots, the acclaimed Tamarina Golf Club, and a plethora of shops at your fingertips. Indulge your senses at Savory, our signature restaurant, offering the finest seasonal produce and a world-class wine cellar. The pool bar and event lounge, featuring tapas, ceviches, and salads from our own vegetable garden, provide a lively atmosphere with classic or detox cocktails. Discover a haven of luxury on the west coast of Mauritius, where each moment becomes an unforgettable experience at your exclusive retreat!

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Loan Amount: Rs102,500,000
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